Being A Good Kid: Eli's Lie-O-Meter 儿童情绪管理与性格培养绘本: 伊莱家的谎言机:一个说实话的故事

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Language: Simplified
Paperback/Hardcover: Paperback
Page: 40
Aurthor: Dianne Blomberg
Publisher: 化学工业出版社
Being A Good Kid: Eli's Lie-O-Meter 儿童情绪管理与性格培养绘本: 伊莱家的谎言机:一个说实话的故事

The first set of children's emotional management and character training as the theme of psychological self-help books. Eli knows the difference between pretending and the real facts. Pretending is what he does when he orbits the earth, and the real facts are what actually happen. Sometimes in REAL life, keeping to the facts is hard for Eli. With the help of his parents and the super-deluxe Lie-O-Meter 2.0, Eli learns about the consequences of his fibs and the value of telling the truth. A Note to Parents is included.