IQ Games Book: What's Different? 小小孩IQ遊戲書-小小孩找不同

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Language: Traditional/English
Pinyin/Zhuyin: Zhuyin
Paperback/Hardcover: Paperback
Page: 32
Aurthor: 孫沐紅
Publisher: 世一
IQ Games Book: What's Different? 小小孩IQ遊戲書-小小孩找不同

  This set of 6 books introduces concepts like opposites, everyday objects, guessing games, looking for differences, high and low, big and small, long and short, and up and down, in a fun and colorful way for the youngest readers. This book focuses on picking an item within different places.本套書包含找一找、猜一猜、躲貓貓、找不同、高低.大小.多少、長短.上下.前後六本書。每本書均有精美插圖以及中英文名稱,色彩鮮豔、圖案可愛。閱讀本套書可以提供親子密切互動的機會,孩子可透過書中設計的遊戲建立基本的幼兒數學概念、邊學邊玩。