Momo Series: I Love Myself (Traditional Chinese with Pinyin) 我愛自己(認識自己,培養自信心)

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Language: Traditional
Pinyin/Zhuyin: Pinyin
Paperback/Hardcover: Paperback
Page: 28
Aurthor: Trace Moroney
Publisher: 小樹苗
Momo Series: I Love Myself  (Traditional Chinese with Pinyin)	我愛自己(認識自己,培養自信心)

MoMo EQ Learning Picture Book Series features beautiful watercolor and ink illustrations, addresses children’s feelings of love about family, friends, grandparents, pets etc. This series is suitable for adults and children to read together. In Traditional Chinese characters with Pinyin, English translation of the complete text is included at the end of each book.