Reading 123 (1): Little Crying Lord 小小哭霸王

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Language: Simplified
Paperback/Hardcover: Papaerback
Page: 77
Publisher: 贵州人民出版社
Aurthor: 方素珍
Reading 123 (1): Little Crying Lord 小小哭霸王

The excellent "bridge book" has features easy text for early reading. This set of 10 books contains 10 different interesting stories that are easy to read and easy to understand. They include both Traditional & Simplified words.

朱家有个鬼灵精怪的女儿— 小珍珠,因为充满好奇心和想象力,常常把家里搞得天翻地覆。她还有个更厉害的弟弟— 哭霸王,功力一点都不输姐姐。   本书公开三个哭霸王的私房故事,   为小朋友们一一介绍那些不可思议的朋友:   家庭小矮人、梦人和捣蛋天使。   嘘—这是小孩之间的秘密,千万别让大人知道喔!