I Like Stories: Pig King 歡喜聽故事-豬國王

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Language: Traditional
Pinyin/Zhuyin: Zhuyin
Paperback/Hardcover: Hardcover
Page: 24
Aurthor: 巫伊
Publisher: 世一
I Like Stories: Pig King	歡喜聽故事-豬國王

This series of books offer a simple text and lively pictures. This book is about a king who loved to eat. He did not listen to the his queen's advice, and ate, ate and ate.. and grew fatter, fatter, fatter until he turned into a pig! The interesting story is suitable for parents and children to read together and a great choice for parents to tell the story. 

本書敘述一位愛吃的國王,不聽皇后的勸告,每天愈吃愈多、愈來愈胖,最後變成一隻豬的故事。透過簡單的文字和活潑生動的圖畫,讓孩子從故事中學習自我管理,並且了解接納他人建議的重要。趣味的故事內容適合親子共讀,是父母說故事的最佳選擇。 巴豆國的國王每天不停吃著最愛的烤雞、牛排、螃蟹和龍蝦,而且愈吃愈多。然而變得愈來愈胖的他卻絲毫不在意,也不聽皇后的勸告,有天夜裡,國王竟然變成一隻豬了!