The Spring Rabbit 春天的兔子

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Language: Simplified
Paperback/Hardcover: Hardcover
Page: 25
Aurthor: Joyce Dunbar
Publisher: 江苏少年儿童出版社
The Spring Rabbit	春天的兔子

 Smudge is the only rabbit in the woods without a brother or sister. His mother tells him to wait for spring, but that is a long way off. In the fall, Smudge builds a leaf-and-twig brother, but he blows away. He builds a snow sister in the winter, but she melts. Will Smudge's wish for a sibling ever come true?

这是一个寻找陪伴的故事。看到别的小兔子都有自己的兄弟姐妹,斯玛杰心里好羡慕。“等到明年春天就有了”妈妈的回答让斯玛杰燃起了希望。于是,在长长的等待中, 他做了好几件天真浪漫的事情。漫长的等待终于给了他*大的惊喜。对于心灵处在成长中的儿童来说,不安、伤心和惊喜无疑是绝好的情感体验。在斯玛杰迎来家族新成员时,所有的期待换来无限珍惜和惊喜。