Chinese Culture: Rules for Students 中华经典诵读识字大书-弟子规

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Language: Simplified
Paperback/Hardcover: Paperback
Page: 63
Aurthor: 资中勇,郝士宏,杨咏梅
Publisher: 浙江少年儿童出版社
Chinese Culture: Rules for Students 中华经典诵读识字大书-弟子规

This book features large words for young readers aged 3-6. A book every child must have while growing up! The "Di Zi Gui," standards for being a good pupil and child were written during the Qing Dynasty to teach students how to behavor and to a give guidelines for living in harmony with others. Based on the ancient teachings of Confucius, it is written in three-character verses that are easy for children to read and memorize.